Is Ex Cop Kiran Bedi Tainted? 25/10/2011
THE INDIA against Corruption (IAC) activist Kiran Bedi is finding it hard to explain the recently submitted inflated air fare invoices for reimbursement, which she allegedly overcharged from her host NGOs and institutions. She used her own travel discount as a gallantary award winner and keept the rest of money for her NGO. Bedi has now announced that the outstanding amount is being returned immediately. Now eighteen more record of bills and invoices have been tracked. All these were allegedly submitted by her as false invoices to overcharge organizations for travel. She is still maintaining and defending herself that the money went to her foundation for social causes only.
Well there is a clear case of false claim in her travel. If the organisation is paying her full fare, then why should she avail discount from the airline which is already under loss, she could have paid full money to airline which she gets. Routing it to her own organisation is certainly a mal practice, in other words corrupt practice. They are not fit to be in the Anna team. Kiran and Arvind Kejriwal actions are now more political, singling out Congress.
Reacting to the allegations Kiran Bedi said to India today : "Business class travel is part of the invitation/entitlement from the event organisers/corporates I'm asked to speak at. Travelling economy is a choice despite entitlement is to ensure that savings remain with the NGO."
"(There is) no personal gain here. Sorry to disappoint detractors trying real hard to find a smoking gun. However, I accept this kind of coverage as a part of the challenges which being in public life poses," she said, adding the money "saved" went to NGO India Vision Foundation run by her.
"I have nothing to hide. Whatever money came from the organisers of functions, it went to the institution," Bedi said. "I get a lot of money through my lectures and royalty on books. I donate it to the NGOs."
Justice Santosh Hegde Anna Team member said today it will be a "misconduct" if activist Kiran Bedi had not taken the permission of organizers of events for transferring the difference in money on air tickets to her NGO.
Hegde said if she has taken the permission of the "donors", he does not think that there is anything wrong with it because they knowingly gave the money.
"Certainly, it would be the other way round. It will be a misconduct," Hegde told Karan Thapar in a TV programme when asked whether her act amounts to misconduct.
Queried whether simply informing the donors was the same as taking their permission, he said the donors should accept it. He also said donors have also a chance to say no to such requests.
Bedi is facing allegations that she was overcharging companies and institutions, who invited her to their functions, by inflating her travel expenses while availing discounts using her gallantry medal.
He said"I have my own reservations in regard to opinions expressed by other members of the team. But I am not going to leave Anna. The agenda is only to fight corruption, nothing to do with Kashmir, nothing to do with any other issue,".
Arvind kejriwal said that if the government goes pushing our team in muddy water we will definitely go for a massive movement much more than August movement.
This issue has assumed importance because she is fighting for corruption and it raises eyebrows on description of corruption by IAC. IAC rides on waves of popular disgust about rampant corruption. It seems the movement is only against politicians, political parties and is chosen to simplify and polarize matters. First, Team Anna should clear the classification of corruption to people before talking about the Jan Lokpall Bill, gheraoing legislators who objected to their clauses and blackmailing an elected government.
It is like adopting double standards and no amount of clarification for any misappropriation can be accepted by the people. Anna should ensure his team comprises of people with a clean image. They should clear the difference between ordinary hypocrisy and serious fraud, which matters more than their movement.
Team Anna should be grateful to a fractional electronic media that elevated them and gave status of national heroes. Slowly, the real face of this pampered group is being revealed. The days are not far when the evil campaign could disintegrate under the weight of its own challenges. To cleanse our system from corruption we need a real discussion not grandstanding.
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