INDIA IS the pride of the world for being able to sustain a democracy in the part of the world that has seen military coups and dictatorships. On the other hand, India can teach to the western world what the meaning of democracy and freedom is. India and the rest of the world except for Europe and North America (including America) are beacons of freedom and democracy since there is a belief in the world (except for Europe and North America) that democracy and freedom is not voting every four years, or tolerating every immorality that exists. India can teach the people of Europe and North America that freedom and democracy implies responsibility.
India should not follow the example of the western immoral society and allow this foolishness called "gay rights". I say this from my experience of living in America, (and being a US citizen) I am tired of the excess tolerance for "gay rights" in the name of freedom and democracy. The city of Miami Florida has billboards proclaiming the "need to go against homophobia" while the US mainstream press has accused Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and even Communists (of the Asian variety) of being "intolerant, racist, biased and homophobic (the insult used by the so called gay and lesbian community against those who disagree with them).
The western world has destroyed what is called- the family. The laws that govern nature have always stated that a family should be a man, a woman, and a child. There is no space for man and man as well as woman and woman, which are aberrations. The so called "gay" and "lesbian" movement have forced their agenda on all spheres of western life, including the fact that professionals in the realms of law, healthcare and even culture have to pay lip service to these sexual deviations or face being sanctioned or marginalised by the powers that be. Vermont and Hawaii have legalised these aberrations such as "gay" and "lesbian" marriage. The American establishment gave publicity to a "marriage" (in my opinion an immoral aberration) between the comedian Ellen De Generes and her so called friend Portia La Rosa. The establishment also gave publicity to the immorality of Madonna, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) prohibits any suggestions that are constituted as "homophobic", which could mean defending the natural law of the family.
It is this aberration, when the border between freedom and responsibility crosses over to immorality of all kinds. It was these deviations including crimes and lack of respect that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic around 30 BC, the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and the fall of the various Greek Republic around the same era of 28 BC. I applaud the efforts of the African Anglicans who tell the new western imperialists in their church about the sins of their way.
I may not agree with Robert Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe) in many issues, but he is right when he stated that- "Freedom and democracy is incompatible with sexual deviations". (I often wonder if the western powers are trying to remove him because of these words). I also admire the People’s Republic of China, Iran and India for being beacons of morality, freedom, and responsibility when it comes to adherence to the laws governing nature (a man, a woman and a child).
India and the majority of the world has earned the right to become beacons of freedom. India should not copy the sexual deviations of western imperialism. India should be India so that it could develop while the western world (if it abandons the tenets of the laws of nature) can continue their gradual decline and fall.
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