AMONG INDIA’S several shady unorganised sectors, like gambling, hawala and other clandestine operations, the 498A sector has witnessed the highest growth rate. The 498A and related operations are henceforth referred to as ’498A India Limited’, just to honour this law, which has forced revenue generation from the Indian populace. The 498A India limited, today, is a Rs 3,000 crore company.
If the government of India would list ’498A India Limited’ in any of the stock exchanges today, this is how the company report would look like.
Growth: The 498A India Limited has grown at a faster rate than any other industry in India, be it information technology or business process outsourcing. This sector has grown almost 120 per cent, for the last 12 years. From just 28,579 cases in 1995, the number of cases has grown to 63,128.
People outreach: This balance sheet of the company is also black. Its organisational activities has touched the life of almost 10,00,000 people, since 1999, who have been arrested under various frivolous allegations. That’s a phenomenal number and if we determine that the average cost of bail posted by a single person is at least Rs 10,000 then the revenue generated by the government is: 1,00,0000 X Rs 10,000 = Rs 1,000 crores
Although, it is a fact that according to government rules the bail money is to be returned at the end of the trial, but how many people actually get it or are left in state to run around, seeking the bail amount back.
It does not take much to notice that 498A is a tool that makes the husband’s family a goose that is forced to lay golden eggs for all the parties involved in the false case.
Products: The498A India Limited’s sales of cases has grown 120 per cent over the past 12 years and registered phenomenal returns on investment. Investors just have to file a simple complaint and the implicated family suffering begins endlessly for almost eight years.
The company has not changed its product for the past 25 years, but the use of the product has grown astronomically. There has no tests done by the company on the effects of its products on the users and consumers, although reliable reports show that consumers are harassed and extorted to no end and eventually many commit suicide. The party using the products of 498A India Limited gets richer by lakhs, while the party, on which the products are used, suffer irrespective of gender, age or role in the family.
Board of directors: The board is appointed by the government of India and controls this organisation with an iron fist. They always turn a blind eye to the people, on which the company’s products have had an adverse effect. They have immunity from any prosecution that might result from harm caused due to the misuse of the company’s products. They also do not think twice before fudging numbers to show that that there is increasing customer demand and as a result, they recommend that there must be more such companies, like 498A India Limited, for eg, ’DV Act India Limited’ and ’All Death Dowry Death India Limited’.
Employee welfare and customer care: The 498A India Limited prides itself in being an employer of choice and takes a lot of care of its customers. So the ’498A India Limited’ customers are the happiest lot, since they get to misuse the products of the company for their materialistic desires.
Shareholders: The primary shareholders in the company are the wives of India, the police, judiciary, lawyers, radical non governmental organisations and the all powerful National Commission for Women. Looking at the company’s phenomenal returns, the shareholders do not want to dilute or modify the company’s products, as modification of the companies products will result in decreased revenue for the company and its shareholders.
Private investment: This company also attracts lots of private investment from organisations like the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and United Nations Organisation (UNO). This is mainly due to the doctored customer demand reports that are submitted by the chairperson of the company to the press and media. These private grants encourage the company to create many smaller companies like ’DV Act India Limited’ and ’All Death Dowry Death India Limited’.
Public sentiment for the company: The people, on whom the companies products have been used, are too weak to even respond. But there are a lot of young and old people in India, who want the company’s products modified, so that when misused by its customers it does not cause harassment, extortion and suffering.
The chairperson of the company is trying her best to project to the government that their 25-year-old product still confirms with the current standards and is never misused.
Final thought: The greed of a few people is eating away into the nations family system, while the government of India is still deep in slumber. The government does not realise that the profits made by 498A India Limited are actually paid people of India, on whom the company’s products are being brutally misused.
The government must realise that although the company was formed with the noble intention to manufacture products for the defence of innocent people, but it has now turned into a company that produces products for ’legal terrorists’, who unleash extreme pain and suffering on the Indian populace and then walk away unscathed. The government must be keen and adopt guidelines for the use of the company’s products with immediate effect and the misusers of its products must be prosecuted.